When it comes to developing and formulation of our products here at Gnusanté we follow this belief:
We are dedicated to developing and manufacturing delicious nutritional beverages to the highest standard and maintaining dialogue with our consumers. We recognize that the health of our bodies and minds is directly affected by the quality of our nutrition. As such the selection of our ingredients is based upon documented research concerning efficacy and safety. It is not influenced by retailer bias, marketing spin, trends of the season or any unproven notions.
In terms of safety we will not use any ingredients in our products that we would not ourselves consume or have our own families and loved ones consume on a daily basis. In terms of efficacy we will use only ingredients that have been shown to provide superlative performance in terms of bioavailability, stability and taste. Ingredient cost is the last criteria in the selection of any ingredient in our beverages.
What we put into us, becomes us.
In order to fulfill our meaning it is vital that every ingredient used in our products meets this simple standard.
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